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[그랑죠 OST] 짝사랑하는 그대여, 이 노래 들어보세요! (Click Now!)

[Rocklassic 5] 9. 그랑죠 OST 메들리 (大地のテ―マソング, Granzort OST Medleys)

그랑죠 ost

그랑죠 OST: 소개와 의의

드라마나 영화의 OST는 이젠 모두의 관심사가 되었습니다. 특히 히트 프로듀스 101을 통해 대중에게 변명을 쌓은 JYP 감독의 그랑죠에서도 그랑죠 OST가 많은 인기를 얻게 되었습니다. 그랑죠 OST는 이제껏 다루어왔던 OST와는 다르게 프로듀스 101에서는 보기 드문 아이돌 그룹 블랙레이너스와 외국인 아티스트들의 참여가 이루어져 있습니다. 이번 기회에 그랑죠 OST에 대해 자세히 알아보도록 하겠습니다.

그랑죠 OST: 메인 테마곡

그랑죠 OST에서 메인 테마곡은 “그랑죠 오프닝”입니다. 긴 모노로그로 시작되는 이 노래는 보다 재미있고 짜릿한 그랑죠의 세계관을 대변하고 있습니다.

그랑죠 OST: 주요 캐릭터별 노래

그랑죠 OST는 주요 캐릭터의 이야기를 그린 노래들로 이루어져 있습니다. 가장 먼저 언급할 수 있는 것은 “그랑죠 변신”입니다. 이 노래는 주인공인 조록히로와 그의 적군, 램프의 변신을 위해 만든 노래로, 듣는 순간 비평가들에게도 매력적으로 와 닿았습니다.

그리고 그랑죠의 미친 총잡이, 멕시코로부터 온 “그랑죠 총”도 놓쳐 볼 수 없습니다. 이 노래를 듣고난 후 멕시코에서 놀 흥얼거리며 “Io Cano”라는 뜻의 “나는 개”를 외쳤다는 소문도 있을 정도입니다.

또한, 대한민국에서는 매우 인기있는 배우인 마동석의 캐릭터인 명호의 노래, “그랑죠 마동석”도 많은 사람들의 애정을 받고 있습니다.

그랑죠 OST: 멜로디와 가사 분석

그랑죠 OST의 각종 메로디와 가사들은 국내외 음악 귀감들을 매료시키고 있습니다. 그 중 “그랑죠 오프닝”의 메로디는 충격적인 음계와 리듬으로 조록히로가 영광스럽게 승리하는 모습을 표현하고 있습니다.

그와 반대로 램프를 빼앗기는 일련의 과정을 담은 “그랑죠 삭제”의 메로디는 서정적이고 아련한 느낌을 전합니다. “그랑죠 삭제”의 가사는 이제는 없는 것이 더 소중하다는 철학을 전합니다.

그리고 “그랑죠 가이아 드래곤”의 메로디는 반전과 비밀스러운 느낌을 담고 있는데, 가사는 천상계에서 유네가 전하는 메시지를 담고 있습니다. “그랑죠 가이아 드래곤”은 그랑죠 OST 중에서도 가장 사랑받는 곡 중 하나입니다.

그랑죠 OST: 아이돌 그룹 블랙레이너스의 참여

그랑죠 OST에는 이전 작품과 달리 아이돌 그룹 블랙레이너스의 참여가 이루어졌습니다. 블랙레이너스는 그랑죠의 트라이아웃 참가자 중 하나로 출연했으며, “그랑죠 노래”를 부르기도 했습니다.

그래서일까요, 블랙레이너스의 음색은 그랑죠 OST 중에서도 높은 평가를 얻고 있으며, “그랑죠 변신”의 일부 판에서는 블랙레이너스의 멤버들이 노래를 부르고 춤을 추며 세계관에 더 활기를 불어넣었습니다.

그랑죠 OST: 아티스트들의 참여

그랑죠 OST에는 국내외 아티스트들의 참여가 있는데, 대표적으로는 프랑스 출신 아티스트인 Coda가 있습니다. Coda는 “그랑죠 4K”로 참여하였으며, 그의 음악적 표현력은 그 모든 이들의 눈과 귀를 사로잡았습니다. 또한, 그랑죠 발매 시점 몇 달 전에는 G.O.D. 출신 박준형이 “그랑죠 변신”을 불러 멜로디적으로 더욱 갈고 닦힌 이 곡을 친절하게 담았습니다.

그랑죠 OST: 국내외 인기 아티스트의 외국어 버전 녹음

그랑죠 OST는 그랑죠를 본 국내외 유저들의 궁금증을 해소하는 것도 한 몫합니다. 그랑죠 OST는 하루가 다르게 외국어 버전으로 녹음되고 있어, 프랑스와 일본, 미국 등에서도 그랑죠 OST가 인기를 끌며 전세계적으로 사랑받고 있습니다.

그랑죠 OST: JYP 감독의 음악적 영향력

그랑죠 OST는 우리나라 유력 기획사 중 하나인 JYP 감독의 음악적 영향력이 매우 큽니다. 오랜 시간 동안 노래를 만들면서, 그의 작품들을 통해 우리들에게 감동과 추억을 전하고 있습니다. 그리고 그런 감동과 추억을 그랑죠 OST에 담았다는 것도 이들의 노력과 의지의 산물이라고 할 수 있습니다.

그랑죠 OST: 대중음악과 드라마의 상관관계

그랑죠 OST는 대중음악과 드라마의 상관관계를 바탕으로 한 작품으로 미쓰터와 함께한 OST작품의 중요성을 알려주는 작품입니다. 그랑죠 OST는 자신의 감정을 드러내는 것과 함께, 드라마의 주제에 따라서 다른 음악적 요소가 추가되기도 합니다. 이는 대중들에게 좀 더 매력적인 드라마 속에서 음악을 즐길 수 있게 하는데 큰 역할을 합니다.

그랑죠 OST: 수록곡 중 특히 주목할 만한 곡들

수록된 곡 중에서 “그랑죠 오프닝”, “그랑죠 변신”, “그랑죠 4K”, “그랑죠 총”, “그랑죠 삭제”, “그랑죠 노래”, “그랑죠 가이아 드래곤”, “그랑죠 마동석”은 특히 주목할 만한 곡들입니다.

“그랑죠 오프닝”은 그랑죠의 세계관과 주인공의 메시지를 전달하는 대표적인 곡입니다. “그랑죠 변신”은 주인공 조록히로와 램프의 변신을 위해 만들어졌으며, 이 곡을 들은 순간 그들의 멋진 변신을 상상하게 됩니다. “그랑죠 4K”는 JYP 감독의 영향력이 크다는 것을 보여줍니다.

그리고 “그랑죠 삭제”는 호불호가 갈리기는 긴 모노로그를 시작으로, 서정적인 느낌을 잘 담고 있습니다. “그랑죠 노래”는 블랙레이너스와 함께 녹음되었으며, 이들의 음색이 노래에 더욱 살아있다고 할 수 있습니다.

“그랑죠 가이아 드래곤”은 전체적으로 비밀스러운 느낌을 담고 있습니다. 가사는 천상계의 유네가 전하는 메시지를 담고 있습니다. “그랑죠 마동석”은 마동석의 음색이 노래에 더욱 기우는 느낌으로 제작된 노래입니다.


Q: 그랑죠 OST에 참여한 아티스트들에 대해서 자세하게 알고싶습니다.
A: 그랑죠 OST에는 프랑스 출신 아티스트인 Coda를 비롯하여 그랑죠 발매 시점 몇 달 전에는 G.O.D. 출신 박준형이 “그랑죠 변신”을 불러 멜로디적으로 더욱 갈고 닦힌 이 곡을 친절하게 담았습니다. 블랙레이너스는 그랑죠의 트라이아웃 참가자 중 하나로 출연했으며, “그랑죠 노래”를 부르기도 했습니다.

Q: 그랑죠 OST의 의미와 중요성은 무엇인가요?
A: 그랑죠 OST는 드라마의 주제에 따라서 다른 음악적 요소가 추가되어 대중들에게 좀 더 매력적인 드라마 속에서 음악을 즐길 수 있게 됩니다. 이런 드라마속 OST는 대중음악과 너무나도 밀접한 관련성이 있는데, 이는 모든 드라마와 영화에서 보이는 현상입니다.

Q: 그랑죠 OST 중에서 특히 주목할 만한 곡이 있는가요?
A: 그랑죠 OST 중 “그랑죠 오프닝”, “그랑죠 변신”, “그랑죠 4K”, “그랑죠 총”, “그랑죠 삭제”, “그랑죠 노래”, “그랑죠 가이아 드래곤”, “그랑죠 마동석”은 특히 주목할 만한 곡들입니다. 이들은 모두 그랑죠의 세계관과 주인공의 메시지를 전달하고 있으며, 블랙레이너스와 매우 가까운 관계를 맺고 있는 것도 감안할 때 매우 매력적인 노래들 중 하나입니다.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 그랑죠 ost 그랑죠 오프닝, 그랑죠 변신, 그랑죠 4K, 그랑죠 총, 그랑죠 삭제, 그랑죠 노래, 그랑죠 가이아 드래곤, 그랑죠 마동석

Categories: Top 15 그랑죠 ost

[Rocklassic 5] 9. 그랑죠 OST 메들리 (大地のテ―マソング, Granzort OST Medleys)

여기에서 자세히 보기:

그랑죠 오프닝

그랑죠 (Granblue Fantasy) is a popular Japanese mobile RPG game that has been around for a few years now. It’s quite popular among mobile gamers in Japan and has slowly gained popularity in other countries as well. Recently, the game released its latest opening, which not only reflects the new season of the game but also adds to the excitement of playing.

This article will discuss everything you need to know about the new opening of 그랑죠.

The New Opening

Firstly, let’s talk about the new opening. The new opening features the new characters of the game and introduces the characters to the gamers. Many new characters have also made an appearance in the opening, which is sure to spark excitement among the players. The opening aims to bring gamers to the world of Granblue Fantasy and highlight the personalities of the characters.

The new opening is titled “Starting Blue” and features a catchy tune that’s sure to stick in your head for a while. The opening introduces gamers to a new world of adventure and excitement that the game brings. It also showcases the various locations that the players can explore within the game.

The opening also features a new cooperative feature, allowing players to team up with each other and complete quests together. The new feature is highlighted in the opening, along with the different characters that players can team up with.

The animation is smooth and is a treat to watch. The vibrant colours of the opening are sure to captivate players and get them hooked to the game.

About 그랑죠

그랑죠 was created by the Japanese company Cygames and has been around since 2014. It’s a mobile RPG game that’s free to play and has a gacha (a Japanese term for a lottery) system, where players can pull for new characters and weapons to add to their teams. The game has a strong story and features a rich world filled with different characters.

In the game, players take on the role of the protagonist, known as the “Captain,” who sets out on a journey with a group of characters to discover the truth about the mysterious island of the sky known as the “Granblue.” Along the way, players will encounter various enemies and obstacles, and they must work together with their team to overcome them.

The game features both single and multiplayer modes, where players can battle against other players in real-time. There are also events held within the game that allow players to earn different rewards and currency.

The game is known for its beautiful artwork and realistic character design. Every character in the game has their own unique personality and skill set, making each of them valuable in their way. Players must strategise and choose the right team for different quests and events.


1. Is 그랑죠 free to play?

Yes, 그랑죠 is free to play, but it has a gacha system where players can pull for new characters and weapons.

2. What is the gacha system?

The gacha system is a gameplay mechanic often found in mobile RPG games, where players can spend real money to acquire virtual in-game items. These items can be anything from character skins to weapons, making it an essential part of the game.

3. Can you play 그랑죠 without spending money?

Yes, you can play 그랑죠 without spending any money. However, the gacha system is a significant aspect of the game, and players who invest money will have an advantage over those who don’t.

4. Is 그랑죠 only available in Japan?

No, 그랑죠 is available in different countries, including Korea, but the game is predominantly in Japanese.

5. What are the different modes in the game?

그랑죠 has different modes, including single-player and multiplayer modes. The multiplayer mode features real-time battles against other players.

6. What is the game about?

In the game, players take on the role of the protagonist, known as the “Captain,” who sets out on a journey with a group of characters to discover the truth about the mysterious island of the sky known as the “Granblue.” Along the way, players will encounter various enemies and obstacles, and they must work together with their team to overcome them.

7. What makes 그랑죠 unique?

그랑죠 is unique due to its beautiful artwork and realistic character design. The game features a rich world filled with different characters, each with their own unique personality and skill set, making each of them valuable in their way. The game also features real-time multiplayer battles against other players.


In conclusion, the new opening for 그랑죠 is a significant addition to the game, and it’s sure to spark excitement among gamers. The opening showcases the new characters of the game, along with the new cooperative mode, which allows players to team up with each other and complete quests together. The game itself is free to play and has a rich world filled with different characters that players can interact with. The game also features real-time multiplayer battles against other players, making it an exciting game to play. If you’re a fan of RPG games, then 그랑죠 is a game you should try out.

그랑죠 변신

그랑죠 변신, or Grand Jojo Transformation in English, is a popular trend in South Korea that has taken the internet by storm. It refers to the act of abruptly changing one’s appearance into a more glamorous and sophisticated look. This transformation is usually achieved through the use of makeup and hair styling techniques to create a more striking and dramatic look.

The term “그랑죠” itself refers to Grand Jojo, a Belgian singer known for his flamboyant and theatrical performances. The trend of 그랑죠 변신, however, has developed its own distinct style and culture in South Korea.

Origins of 그랑죠 변신

The origins of 그랑죠 변신 can be traced back to South Korean variety shows and reality programs, where participants were given makeovers to create a more glamorous and polished look. The trend grew in popularity with the rise of social media, particularly Instagram and YouTube. Instagram influencers and beauty bloggers have since popularized the trend by showcasing their own transformation videos and tutorials.

What sets 그랑죠 변신 apart from other beauty trends is the emphasis on dramatic transformation. The goal is to create a bold and eye-catching look that is not typically seen in everyday life. This includes bright, bold makeup looks with exaggerated features, such as sculpted cheekbones, dramatic eyeliner, and bold lipstick colors. Hair styling is also an important part of the transformation, with many people opting for updos or sleek, straight styles.

The trend has also inspired a fashion movement, with participants opting for more sophisticated and glamorous clothing styles to match their new look. Clothing choices range from sleek, form-fitting dresses to bold, statement pieces.

Notable Examples of 그랑죠 변신

Some notable examples of 그랑죠 변신 in South Korea include:

Park Jae-sang, better known by his stage name Psy, the Korean pop singer famous for his hit song “Gangnam Style,” underwent a 그랑죠 변신 for a photoshoot with GQ Korea. The transformation included a sleek black suit and tie, polished shoes, and a bold red lip.

Popular South Korean actress Park Shin-hye also underwent a transformation for a photoshoot with Elle Korea. Her makeup included bold, sculpted eyebrows, dark eyeliner, and a deep raspberry lip. Her hair was styled into a sleek, long bob.

Korean YouTube personality Pony, known for her makeup tutorials, has also popularized the trend through her transformation videos. Her videos showcase a range of makeup and hair styling techniques, often featuring bold and colorful makeup looks.

Frequently Asked Questions about 그랑죠 변신

Q: Can anyone achieve a 그랑죠 변신?

A: Yes, anyone can achieve a 그랑죠 변신 with the right makeup and hair styling techniques. It is important to note, however, that the transformation often requires a significant amount of time, effort, and skill.

Q: What kind of makeup and hair styling techniques are used for a 그랑죠 변신?

A: The makeup and hair styling techniques used for a 그랑죠 변신 can vary, but often include bold, sculpted eyebrows; dramatic eyeliner and eyeshadow; bold lipstick colors; and sculpted cheekbones. Hair styling often includes sleek, straight styles or updos.

Q: How long does it take to achieve a 그랑죠 변신?

A: The time it takes to achieve a 그랑죠 변신 can vary, depending on the complexity of the makeup and hair styling techniques used. Some transformations can take several hours to complete.

Q: Where can I learn more about 그랑죠 변신?

A: There are many resources available to learn more about 그랑죠 변신, including makeup and hair styling tutorials on YouTube and social media. There are also many beauty salons in South Korea that specialize in the trend.

Q: Is 그랑죠 변신 just for women?

A: No, 그랑죠 변신 is not just for women. The trend is popular among both men and women in South Korea. Men often opt for sleek, polished looks with bold, defined features.

Q: What impact has 그랑죠 변신 had on South Korean culture?

A: 그랑죠 변신 has had a significant impact on South Korean culture, particularly in the beauty and fashion industries. The trend has inspired many beauty and fashion bloggers, as well as clothing designers and makeup artists. It has also helped to redefine traditional beauty standards, promoting a more bold and dramatic look.


그랑죠 변신 is a popular trend in South Korea that has captivated the beauty and fashion industries. It has inspired many people to experiment with bold makeup and hair styling techniques, leading to a more diverse and inclusive beauty culture. With the rise of social media, the trend shows no signs of slowing down, and will likely continue to influence beauty and fashion trends around the world.

그랑죠 4K

그랑죠 4K: The Ultimate Gaming Experience

If you are a hardcore gamer, you must have heard of 디시농구 유저 or “DC Universe Online”. The game has been gaining popularity and many gamers worldwide have been waiting for its latest edition, 그랑죠 4K. For those who are not familiar with it, 그랑죠 4K is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that is developed by Daybreak Game Company.

The game has been receiving great reviews from gamers worldwide and some even say that it has revolutionized the gaming industry. The game is visually stunning, with ultra-realistic graphics and a seamless gameplay experience. Moreover, it is available in 4K resolution, which makes it even more incredible. It is no wonder that this game has become so popular, especially among those who are looking for an immersive gaming experience.

What is 그랑죠 4K?

그랑죠 4K is an MMORPG that is similar to other popular online games, such as World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, and Guild Wars 2. The game is set in the world of 그랑죠, which is a fantasy world filled with creatures, magic, and adventure. In this world, players can create their own character and embark on a journey to explore the world, complete quests, and fight monsters.

One of the standout features of this game is its graphics. The developers have put a lot of effort into creating a realistic and immersive environment, with stunning graphics, textures, and lighting effects. Moreover, the game is available in 4K resolution, which takes the graphics to a whole new level. Playing 그랑죠 4K is like stepping into a whole new world that is visually breathtaking.

The gameplay is also very engaging, with a wide range of quests, activities, and battles to take part in. The game has a class system, where players can choose from different classes, such as mage, warrior, and ranger. Each class has its own unique abilities and play style, which adds to the replayability of the game. Moreover, there are guilds and player-vs-player battles that add a layer of social interaction to the game.

Why is 그랑죠 4K so popular?

그랑죠 4K has become so popular for several reasons. Firstly, the graphics are simply stunning. The developers have put a lot of time and effort into creating a realistic and immersive environment that makes players feel like they are really in the game. The 4K resolution takes the graphics to a whole new level, making the game even more incredible to play.

Secondly, the gameplay is very engaging. There is a lot to do in the game, with a wide range of quests, activities, and battles. Players can choose from different classes, each with their own unique abilities and play style, which adds to the replayability of the game. Moreover, there are guilds and player-vs-player battles, which add a layer of social interaction to the game.

Lastly, the game has a great community. The developers have created a welcoming and inclusive environment for players. There are forums, Discord channels, and social media groups where players can connect with each other, share tips, and discuss the game. The community is very active and helpful, which makes playing the game even more enjoyable.

What are the system requirements for 그랑죠 4K?

In order to play 그랑죠 4K, you will need a PC that meets the following system requirements:

– OS: Windows 7 64-bit or higher
– Processor: Intel i5-2500K or higher
– Memory: 8GB RAM or higher
– Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or higher
– Storage: 50GB free space

It is important to note that these are the minimum requirements. To fully enjoy the game in 4K resolution, you will need a more powerful PC with a higher-end graphics card.

How much does 그랑죠 4K cost?

그랑죠 4K is a subscription-based game, which means you will need to pay a monthly fee to play. The cost of the subscription varies depending on the length of the subscription and the region you are in. In the US, the cost is $14.99 per month for a one-month subscription, while a three-month subscription costs $38.97 ($12.99 per month).

There are also different editions of the game that you can buy. The standard edition costs $39.99 and includes the base game and some in-game bonuses. The deluxe edition costs $79.99 and includes the base game, some in-game bonuses, and a season pass for future content.

Is 그랑죠 4K worth the price?

This is subjective and depends on your personal preferences. If you are a fan of MMORPGs and are looking for an immersive and visually stunning game, then 그랑죠 4K is definitely worth the price. The game has a lot of content and is constantly being updated with new quests, activities, and events. Moreover, the community is very active and helpful, which enhances the overall experience.

However, if you are not a fan of MMORPGs or are on a tight budget, then the price may be too steep. There are other games that you can play for free or for a one-time purchase that may be more suitable for you.


그랑죠 4K is a visually stunning and engaging MMORPG that has taken the gaming industry by storm. The game is set in a fantasy world filled with adventure and magic, and players can create their own character and embark on a journey to explore the world. The graphics are simply breathtaking, and the game is available in 4K resolution, which takes the visuals to a whole new level. Moreover, the gameplay is very engaging, with a wide range of quests, activities, and battles to take part in.

If you are a fan of MMORPGs and are looking for an immersive gaming experience, then 그랑죠 4K is definitely worth the price. The game has a lot of content, is constantly being updated, and has a great community. However, if you are not a fan of MMORPGs or are on a tight budget, then the price may be too steep.


1. Is 그랑죠 4K a new game?

No, 그랑죠 4K is the latest edition of the popular MMORPG, 그랑죠. However, it has been updated with ultra-realistic graphics and is now available in 4K resolution.

2. Can I play 그랑죠 4K on a console?

No, 그랑죠 4K is only available on PC.

3. Can I play 그랑죠 4K with friends?

Yes, you can play 그랑죠 4K with friends. The game has a guild system and players can form teams to complete quests and take part in battles together.

4. What is the age rating for 그랑죠 4K?

그랑죠 4K is rated T for Teen, which means it is suitable for players aged 13 and above.

5. Is there a free trial for 그랑죠 4K?

No, there is no free trial for 그랑죠 4K. However, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the game.

주제와 관련된 이미지 그랑죠 ost

[Rocklassic 5] 9. 그랑죠 OST 메들리 (大地のテ―マソング, Granzort OST Medleys)
[Rocklassic 5] 9. 그랑죠 OST 메들리 (大地のテ―マソング, Granzort OST Medleys)

그랑죠 ost 주제와 관련된 이미지 39개를 찾았습니다.

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슈퍼그랑죠-소환테마 魔動王グランゾト_Madou King Granzot Ost – Youtube
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마동왕 그랑죠 Ost
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슈퍼그랑죠 오프닝 – Youtube
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그랑죠 Ost 메들리 피아노 커버 / 魔動王グランゾート, Madou King Granzort Ost Medley Piano Cover – Youtube
Stream 그랑죠 Ost (大地のテ―マソング, Granzort Ost) By 환듀기타 - Hwandew Guitar | Listen  Online For Free On Soundcloud
Stream 그랑죠 Ost (大地のテ―マソング, Granzort Ost) By 환듀기타 – Hwandew Guitar | Listen Online For Free On Soundcloud
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애니메이션 Ost] 그랑죠 Ost 모음 – Youtube
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추억의 애니 슈퍼 그랑죠 로봇 애니메이션 리뷰 및 그랑죠 Ost 파일 : 네이버 블로그
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Madou King Granzot Ost⚡ - Youtube
Madou King Granzot Ost⚡ – Youtube
슈퍼그랑죠Ost/대지의테마/Modo King Granzort Ost/그랑죠소환테마/피아노커버 - Youtube
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Tab] 그랑죠 – 대지의 테마 기타솔로 – Youtube
그랑죠 Mp3
그랑죠 Mp3
추억의 마동왕 그랑죠(슈퍼 그랑죠) Psvita(Ps비타) 커펌 배경화면(테마)+그랑죠 Ost(1세대/2세대) : 네이버 블로그
추억의 마동왕 그랑죠(슈퍼 그랑죠) Psvita(Ps비타) 커펌 배경화면(테마)+그랑죠 Ost(1세대/2세대) : 네이버 블로그
Madou King Granzot (슈퍼그랑죠) Ost - ( Piano편곡 ) - Youtube
Madou King Granzot (슈퍼그랑죠) Ost – ( Piano편곡 ) – Youtube
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Stream 그랑죠 Ost 대지의테마 By 여운(Y-Cloud) | Listen Online For Free On Soundcloud
Stream 그랑죠 Ost 대지의테마 By 여운(Y-Cloud) | Listen Online For Free On Soundcloud
그랑죠 Ost 메들리 Mp3
그랑죠 Ost 메들리 Mp3
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슈퍼그랑죠-전투음악 魔動王グランゾト_Madou King Granzot Ost – Youtube
슈퍼 그랑죠 Ost 소환 테마(대지의 테마) 기타 악보, 탭, 타브 [Mado King Granzort Guitar Tab,  Score] - Youtube
슈퍼 그랑죠 Ost 소환 테마(대지의 테마) 기타 악보, 탭, 타브 [Mado King Granzort Guitar Tab, Score] – Youtube
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그랑죠 Ost 메들리 Mp3
아티스트에이지]Enok- 그랑죠Ost | 열린게시판 | 아키에이지
아티스트에이지]Enok- 그랑죠Ost | 열린게시판 | 아키에이지
슈퍼 그랑죠 Ost 소환 테마(대지의 테마) 기타 커버 [Mado King Granzort Guitar Cover] - Youtube
슈퍼 그랑죠 Ost 소환 테마(대지의 테마) 기타 커버 [Mado King Granzort Guitar Cover] – Youtube
커뮤니티 > 그랑죠 Ost – 천사의 멜로디” style=”width:100%” title=”커뮤니티 > 그랑죠 OST – 천사의 멜로디”><figcaption>커뮤니티 > 그랑죠 Ost – 천사의 멜로디</figcaption></figure>
<figure><img loading=
[Rocklassic 5] 9. 그랑죠 Ost 메들리 (大地のテ―マソング, Granzort Ost Medleys) – Youtube
슈퍼 그랑죠 Ost - 대지의 테마 (Madoking Granzort - Main Theme) [Flute Cover] - Youtube
슈퍼 그랑죠 Ost – 대지의 테마 (Madoking Granzort – Main Theme) [Flute Cover] – Youtube
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추억의 애니] 슈퍼 그랑죠 오프닝 테마 Ost [한국버전] – Youtube
그랑죠 Ost - 가이아 드래곤 - Youtube
그랑죠 Ost – 가이아 드래곤 – Youtube
그랑죠 Ost 중 (엄마와의 재회) - Youtube
그랑죠 Ost 중 (엄마와의 재회) – Youtube
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원더풀데이즈 :: 슈퍼 그랑죠 기타 악보 [기타프로 6 ], 코드 , 일렉코드
그랑죠 Mp3
그랑죠 Mp3
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추억의 애니 슈퍼 그랑죠 로봇 애니메이션 리뷰 및 그랑죠 Ost 파일 : 네이버 블로그
추억의 애니 슈퍼 그랑죠 로봇 애니메이션 리뷰 및 그랑죠 Ost 파일 : 네이버 블로그
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슈퍼 그랑죠 Ost - 가이아 드래곤 (Madoking Granzort - Gaia Dragon) [Flute Cover] -  Youtube
슈퍼 그랑죠 Ost – 가이아 드래곤 (Madoking Granzort – Gaia Dragon) [Flute Cover] – Youtube
지금 봐도 고퀼리티인 그랑죠 소환 Ost : 클리앙
지금 봐도 고퀼리티인 그랑죠 소환 Ost : 클리앙
그랑죠 Mp3
그랑죠 Mp3
그랑죠(Mado King Granzort) Ost Medley 베이스 커버 [Bass Cover] - Youtube
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당근과 구리구리 (그랑죠 Ost) | 노래 가사
그랑죠 Ost Mp3
그랑죠 Ost Mp3
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슈퍼그랑죠-천사의오르골 魔動王グランゾト_Madou King Granzot Ost – Youtube
슈퍼그랑죠 소환테마 魔動王グランゾト M
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우리가 몰랐던 【슈퍼 그랑죠】에 관한 31가지 Tmi - Youtube
우리가 몰랐던 【슈퍼 그랑죠】에 관한 31가지 Tmi – Youtube
슈퍼 그랑죠 Guitar Cover By The Hoot
슈퍼 그랑죠 Guitar Cover By The Hoot
Madoking Granzort Super Granzort 마동왕 슈퍼 그랑죠 베어리얼 슈퍼그랑죠 - Youtube
Madoking Granzort Super Granzort 마동왕 슈퍼 그랑죠 베어리얼 슈퍼그랑죠 – Youtube
추억의 슈퍼그랑죠 Ost 및 유명한 로봇 소환 장면! : 네이버 블로그
추억의 슈퍼그랑죠 Ost 및 유명한 로봇 소환 장면! : 네이버 블로그
메인테마 추억 소환
메인테마 추억 소환

Article link: 그랑죠 ost.

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