그것이 알고싶다 1016회 다시보기
‘그것이 알고싶다’는 SBS에서 2013년 첫 방송 이후 인기 프로그램으로 자리 잡았다. 이제는 여러분들이 듣고 싶은 이야기를부터 미디어에서 다루지 않은 문제를 다루기까지 다양한 이슈를 다루게 되어 널리 사랑받고 있다. 그러나 이번에 리얼리티 유명인들 간의 파사드가 떨어지는 모습을 공개하여 기획자들과 SBS에서 많은 비판과 논란을 일으켰다.
누구인가? 어느 나라인가?
‘그것이 알고싶다’는 대한민국 SBS에서 방송되는 프로그램으로 보도 분야에서 은퇴한 기자와 검사 등의 신뢰성 있는 인물들이 갖고있는 정보와 경험을 바탕으로 한 정보프로그램이다.
사고 전 극적인 전개 과정
10월 27일, ‘그것이 알고 싶다’는 ‘격리 해제 후 문제 발생! 런닝맨 여군, 그리고 박명수’라는 제목으로 방송을 진행했다. 이번 희소식에서는 런닝맨 여군이 자신의 인스타그램에 ‘인간 스트레스 고문’이 되어버린 충격적인 이미지를 공개한다. 또한, 이번 주제에 대한 대화를 나누기 위해 이주헌 경제 작가와 박인환 전 검사를 게스트로 초청해 함께 대화한다.
그러나 방송에서는 간과하고 넘어갔던 점이 있다. 그것은 바로 ‘런닝맨 여군이 인스타그램에 비판 게시물을 남길 만큼까지 스트레스를 받았던 이유’에 대한 질문과 그녀가 이와 관련하여 해당 인스타그램을 개설했다는 사실이 있었다. 이러한 문제에 대한 적극적인 대처 없이 방송이 송출되기 직전까지 기하급수적인 비판과 규탄의 목소리가 하나둘씩 높아져 나가고 있었다.
왜 이 상황이 벌어졌나?
이 시점에서 SBS 취재진은 방송에 연출이나 인물 변조가 있었다는 주장을 사실관계와 대립시켰던 여론을 기반으로 대처에 나서야 했던 상황이었다. 이 경우, 방송 취지와 사실관계를 파악한 후 적절한 대처를 해야했다.
그러나 SBS는 예정된 방송을 송출하며, 화제가 이어지고 누적되자 각종 크리티컬 반응이 속출하면서 이슈가 대형화되었다. 이에 자신의 블로그에 글을 올린 이주헌은 “제가 지금까지 본 방송 중에서 가장 짜증나는 방송입니다. 정말 어떻게 이런 것이 방송으로 내놓는 게 되는 건지…”라며 한 놀랍고 충격적인 발언을 하기도 했다.
탈출 반응과 규탄의 목소리
이후, SBS는 일부 구성원의 개인정보 유출과 사실이 상이한 부분에 대한 사과와 함께 재방송을 결정했다. 이에 대한 검토에서는 방송에 참여한 인물들의 이익발생 여부 등을 미연에 인지하지 못했을 가능성이 있다는 가설을 설정하고 이를 바탕으로 지속적인 조사가 이루어져야 했다.
그러나 탈출하지 않고 방송 발표시기를 미루었을 경우, 이슈가 빅이슈로 성장할 가능성도 있었기 때문에 미루기보다는 대처가 더욱 중요하게 보인다. 결국, SBS는 이번 사건을 예방할 수 있는 프로그램 방향성을 고민해봐야 한다.
사고 후 재활 지원
잘못된 대처로 발생한 인피니트의 수습 이후, SBS는 다시 예술인의 인권을 보호하기 위해 명확한 대처 방안을 마련하게 된다. 이에 따라 SBS는 ‘그것이 알고 싶다’외에도 다양한 방법으로 예술인의 인권을 보호하기 위한 시스템을 마련할 계획이다.
방송 이후 사건의 대처와 사례 제시
SBS의 이러한 대처책은 ‘그것이 알고 싶다’도 포함된다. 이제 ‘그것이 알고 싶다’는 여러 사례에 대한 알리미가 되어주면서 한국의 사회 문제와 다양한 문제상황에 대한 해결 방안을 제시하고 있다. 또한, SBS는 지속적으로 프로그램 개선을 위하여 노력하며, 그들이 발견한 문제에 대해서는 민감하게 대처할 수 있는 능력과 미디어 업계에서 무언가를 발견하는 능력을 토대로 서로의 니즈를 충족시키기 위해 강력하게 프로그램을 개선하고 있다.
나라별 기준과 추후 대응 체제 강화
지금까지 말한 것처럼, ‘그것이 알고 싶다’는 매우 중요한 프로그램이며, 정보과실 보도에 주의를 기울여야 한다. 이를 위해서는 국가별 법률 및 기준도 중요하며, 대처책도 중요하다. 따라서 SBS와 같은 방송사들이 앞으로 미디어 법률을 잘 준수해야 하며, 보도 중에도 민감한 정보를 분류할 수 있는 일부 기능을 마련해주도록 되어있다.
그것이 알고싶다 다시보기, 그것이 알고 싶다 1017회 다시 보기그것이 알고싶다 1016회 다시보기
‘그것이 알고 싶다’ 1016회 다시보기에서는 이제는 널리 알려진 롯데그룹에서의 뇌물 기소 과정에 대한 이야기를 다루었다. 이에 대한 이슈는 원래 화제가 아니었으며, 팬이나 시청자들도 별 다른 반응을 보이지는 않았다. 그러나 방송이 끝난 후 쏟아지는 비판과 규탄의 목소리는 방송에 대한 관심도를 높였으며, 이를 계기로 SBS는 모든 부정적인 반응과 함께한 예술인들의 인권 파괴 등 등 대처책을 마련하게 되었다.
‘그것이 알고 싶다’ 1017회 다시보기에서는 런닝맨 이와 관련된 사건에 대한 이야기를 다루게 될 것으로 예상되며, 사건의 검토와 대처는 SBS에서 지속적인 노력이 필요하다. 물론 이 과정에서는 뷰어들의 일방적인 비관과 비판만이 아니라, 보다 조금 더 현실적이고, 사실적인 대처 방안이 필요하다.
사용자가 검색한 키워드: 그것이 알고싶다 1016회 다시보기 그것이 알고싶다 다시보기, 그것이 알고 싶다 1017 회 다시 보기
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무죄를 주장하던 살인범은 방송 후 어떻게 됐을까? 살인범의 걸음걸이, 그후 | 그알 캐비닛
여기에서 자세히 보기: mplinhhuong.com
그것이 알고싶다 다시보기
Since its inception, the show has covered a wide range of topics, and its episodes have varied in format and duration. Some of the most notable episodes have delved into issues such as the Sewol ferry disaster, dating violence, prostitution, and the 1980 Gwangju Uprising. The show’s reporting on these topics is characterised by its thorough and fact-focused approach, often highlighting the need for sweeping social and institutional reform.
One of the show’s most memorable episodes was the investigative report on the case of Lee Soo-keun. Lee Soo-keun was a South Korean scientist who disappeared in 1999, only to be found dead four years later. His mysterious death has long been the subject of speculation and conspiracy theories in South Korea, with many suspecting that he was murdered. In 2018, the show aired an episode that unraveled the facts behind Lee Soo-keun’s death, exposing the suspected involvement of South Korea’s intelligence agency in a cover-up of the case. The report sparked renewed public interest in Lee Soo-keun’s case and renewed pressure for transparency and accountability in South Korean government.
The programme has also covered social taboos, including the issue of sex education in South Korea. In 2018, an episode of the show reported on the problems with the country’s sex education curriculum in schools, highlighting the lack of comprehensive sex education, and the prevalence of conservative attitudes towards sex and sexual health. This episode sparked a national conversation on the need to reform sex education in South Korea, and many viewers praised the programme’s boldness in tackling such subjects.
In addition to its serious investigative journalism, the show is also known for its occasional lighter segments, such as those exploring urban legends and local customs. These segments offer a change of pace from the hard-hitting reports, and showcase the programme’s flexibility in exploring a range of topics.
In recent years, the programme has also undergone format changes, such as shorter, more segment-focused episodes, and the inclusion of greater audience participation. However, the show’s core values of investigative reporting and social commentary remain unchanged.
What makes 그것이 알고싶다 different from other investigative TV shows?
One of the features that sets this show apart from others is its uncompromising approach to investigative journalism, with the focus on uncovering the truth and exposing institutional wrongdoings. The show also pays attention to social taboos, and it is well known for its ability to shine light on issues that are often overlooked by mainstream media.
Are there any notable episodes that you recommend?
The 2018 episode on the investigation into the death of Lee Soo-keun is widely regarded as one of the show’s best episodes because of the depth and breadth of coverage. The episode delves into the details of the case, exposing inconsistencies and irregularities in the investigation, and shedding new light on the case. Other episodes of note include those on the Sewol ferry disaster, the issue of prostitution, and the problems with South Korea’s sex education curriculum.
What is the audience response to the show?
The show has a loyal following in South Korea and has been praised for its ability to expose social ills, spark public awareness and debate, and inform public opinion. That said, the show also attracts controversy, particularly when it delves into sensitive topics such as government corruption or military wrongdoing.
How effective is the show in effecting social change?
The show has had a significant impact on South Korean society, and its reporting has been credited with contributing to changes in public opinion and behaviour. For example, the programme’s reporting on dating violence led to changes in South Korea’s legal system regarding punishment for perpetrators, and its reporting on prostitution has led to increased attention on the issue. The show’s ability to inspire social change is perhaps one of its biggest achievements.
What is the future of the show?
As of 2021, the show continues to be a popular and influential programme, and there is no indication of its cancellation. The show’s ability to shed light on pressing social issues, combined with its bold and uncompromising investigative journalism, ensure that it remains an important fixture in South Korean broadcasting. In conclusion, 그것이 알고싶다 (It’s a Secret) is a South Korean investigative television show that has gained widespread popularity for its hard-hitting journalism and societal commentary. With its uncompromising approach to reporting, the show has built a loyal following in South Korea, and has had a significant impact on society by raising awareness on socially critical topics. It remains an important fixture in the South Korean media landscape, and an exemplar of excellence in investigative journalism.
그것이 알고 싶다 1017 회 다시 보기
The South Korean media, in recent years, has extensively covered issues relating to the widespread prevalence of online sex crimes and the government’s efforts to impose stricter laws and regulations to combat such crimes. However, the 1017th episode of 그것이 알고 싶다, directed by Jang Seong-sik, provided a comprehensive review of the alleged connection of Mr. “A,” a well-known figure, with the runaway online chat-room operator, who influenced underage girls to perform inappropriate and sexual acts over the internet. The issue captured national attention and sparked public outrage, as parents and citizens demanded prompt and concrete measures to tackle online sex crimes and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.
The episode started with a detailed overview of the scandal and the extent of its impact on the victims and society. The program then went on to explore the origins of the case, its development, and how the police were unsuccessful in tracking down the culprits earlier. It also touched upon how the investigative journalists uncovered new evidence and clues to further progress the investigation.
The show’s team of reporters interviewed several individuals related to the case, including a victim’s parent, a cybercrime expert, and several activists. Through these interviews, the program provided an in-depth understanding of the various aspects of the case, such as the psychological trauma the victims underwent, the technicalities of cybercrime investigations, and the implications of the case on the country’s legal system.
Moreover, the show exposed new revelations that may have been unknown to the public, such as the existence of other chat groups that had links to the primary chatroom that was shut down. The program also revealed the number of individuals involved in the activities, which shocked many viewers.
The program ends with an emotional statement by a mothers’ rights activist who exclaimed, “The kids of the nation are not safe in this country.” The 1017th episode of 그것이 알고 싶다 concluded its session highlighting the need for continued conversation to tackle the issue and the significance of broad reform in the legal system, including seeking people’s support for establishing tougher punishments and deterring potential sex offenders.
The episode caused an uproar on social media, with thousands of South Koreans voicing their outrage and demands for a strict crackdown on online sex crimes. Moreover, in the following days and weeks, there were significant debates in the national assembly and other government institutions, with a pledge by the government to impose tougher measures to address the issue.
Q: Is “그것이 알고 싶다” only about investigative journalism on social issues?
A: No, the show also covers diverse topics such as the environment, sports, technology, business, politics, and entertainment. The show provides an extensive analysis of critical issues, with investigative pieces that uncover hidden truths and facts.
Q: Is “그것이 알고 싶다” different from other investigative journalism programs?
A: Yes, the program’s incredibly in-depth and comprehensive coverage of each topic sets it apart from other media outlets. The show’s team of experienced reporters utilizes various investigative techniques and works tirelessly to create informative and unique content.
Q: Does the show target a specific demographic?
A: No, the show appeals to a broad range of audiences, from teenagers to adults. Because the program covers wide range of topics, it attracts many viewers from different walks of life.
Q: How much audience does the show have?
A: According to statistics, the program’s viewership is significantly high, with an average of 11.5% rating share in its time slot. Moreover, the show is also available online, where viewers can watch past episodes on demand.
Q: What role did “그것이 알고 싶다 1017회 다시 보기” play in shaping the national discourse?
A: The 1017th episode of the show raised awareness of the pressing issue of online sex crimes, and the impact it has on its victims, society, and the country’s legal system. It also generated significant public discussion on how to protect the children and hold accountable those responsible for such heinous crimes.
Q: Has the episode had any impact on society?
A: Yes, the program galvanized the public, prompting them to sign petitions and join protests demanding stronger punishments for sex crimes. Furthermore, it sparked a significant shift in the government’s policies regarding the issue, with the government pledging to impose stricter regulation and impose harsher punishments for the offenders.
In conclusion, the 1017th episode of “그것이 알고 싶다” provided an insightful analysis of one of the country’s most pressing issues and was successful in creating national conversation and demanding effective policy changes. The episode was a testament to the investigative journalists’ efforts to bring out the truth and hold the powerful accountable, and it is a guiding light for a more transparent and just society.
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