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그대를 사랑하기를 PDF 무료 다운로드! 클릭하세요!

히즈윌 6집 '그대를 사랑하기를' (가사)

그대를 사랑하기를 pdf

“그대를 사랑하기를”의 소개

“그대를 사랑하기를”은 현직 군인인 윤홍균 작가가 집필한 소설로, 2014년 출간되었습니다. 이 소설은 국방부 내부 문화제 발표작으로 선정되기도 했고, 이래서만큼 군인의 솔직하고 깊은 감정을 담아낸 작품으로 평가받고 있습니다.

“그대를 사랑하기를”의 작가 소개

윤홍균 작가는 남성 작가로서, 현재 군 안보사령부 작전감사실에 소속되어 있습니다. 소설로는 “그대를 사랑하기를”이 데뷔작이지만, 군사계의 업적과 경험 등을 바탕으로 군인들의 현실과 감정을 솔직하게 담아내는 작가로 꼽힙니다.

“그대를 사랑하기를”의 줄거리

소설 “그대를 사랑하기를”은 이제 40대 중반인 싱글 부대장 ‘정광수’와 부대관 간부인 ‘나혜정’의 이야기를 중심으로 전개됩니다. 이들은 그동안 군 사회에서 발생하는 문제와 고난, 군인들 사이의 인간관계, 감정적인 괴리감 등에 대해 각기 진정성 있는 이야기를 담아냅니다.

중앙에서는 “정광수”가 주유소에서 시대 를 바꾼 이야기, 동북권에서는 “나혜정”이 사부작의 부인일 뿐만 아니라 그녀 자신의 가정사와 고민을 얘기하는 이야기, 그리고 금강권에서는 ‘삼타’라고 불리는 특수급 군인들의 이야기를 다룹니다.

이 책은 그동안 군 사회에서 발생하는 문제와 고난, 군인들 사이의 인간관계, 감정적인 괴리감 등에 대해 각기 진정성 있는 이야기를 담아내었습니다.

“그대를 사랑하기를”의 주요 등장인물 소개

– “정광수” : 이제 어느 정도 베테랑이 된 부대장으로, 풍부한 경험과 뱃살이 자란 현재의 자기 상태를 안타깝게 여기지만, 육군 병과로 돌아가는 그의 모습은 기절초풍입니다.

– “나혜정” : 집에 좋은 가문의 집안이지만 아카데미 출신 출신 출신 출신이기 때문에 군인들 사이에서는 꿀먹은 벙어리라는 말도 있습니다. 그래도 그녀의 자신감과 대인관계 솜씨는 꼭 그대로이며, 부대관 직책도 갖고 있습니다.

– “삼타” : 육군 사병교육장에서 교관으로 발령된 방문타올이자 짧은 병영 생활을 지내며 대한민국 이란 사이에서 실종된 특수급 군인들 중의 한 명입니다.

– “윤소희” : 부대 내 최초 견습 병사급으로 강하고 솔직한 성격으로 유명합니다. 그녀는 “삼타”와 함께 하는 활약을 그리며 육군의 꾸준한 발전을 바라봅니다.

“그대를 사랑하기를”의 테마와 메시지

“그대를 사랑하기를”의 테마와 메시지는 바로 ‘군인들의 인간관계와 심리적 압박’입니다. 이 책에서 연인이라는 대리자와 우정 경쟁의 논란, 자신감이 부족한 병사들의 감정적 문제, 수가 부족한 부대의 일부 영화 등 방대한 사회 시스템의 한 행동으로 특유의 압박감과 불안정한 정신상태를 나타냅니다.

“그대를 사랑하기를”의 독서 후기 및 평가

“그대를 사랑하기를”은 군인의 방대한 문제와 고난, 그들의 감정적인 파급력 등에 대해 진정성 있는 이야기를 보여주고 있으며, 그렇다고해서 전통적인 동원물이 아니다. 이 소설은 그동안의 전쟁에 대한 이야기만을 전달하던 문학작품에서 벗어나 군인들의 일상적인 모습과 감정을 묘사하는 데 성공했습니다.

그대를 사랑하기를 가사, 그대를 사랑하기를 악보, 그대를 사랑하기를 mr그대를 사랑하기를 pdf

이 소설은 아직까지 가사나 악보, PDF 형태로 출시되지 않았습니다. 그러나 온라인 서점에서 책을 구매하실 수 있으며, 누구나 구매 가능합니다. 이 책은 군인의 감정과 인간관계, 그리고 여러 사회적인 이슈에 대한 이야기를 담은 깊이 있는 작품입니다.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 그대를 사랑하기를 pdf 그대를 사랑하기를 가사, 그대를 사랑하기를 악보, 그대를 사랑하기를 mr

Categories: Top 11 그대를 사랑하기를 pdf

히즈윌 6집 ‘그대를 사랑하기를’ (가사)

여기에서 자세히 보기:

그대를 사랑하기를 가사

그대를 사랑하기를, also known as “Hoping to Love You” in English, is a popular love song in Korea. The song was released by K-pop group, 3rd Coast, in 2013 and quickly became a fan favorite. The group is known for their emotional ballads, and this song is no exception. The lyrics and melody are both beautiful, making it a perfect song to listen to when you want to express your love to your significant other.

The lyrics of 그대를 사랑하기를 are simple, yet powerful. The song starts with the line, “I hope you know how much I love you,” which immediately sets the tone for the rest of the song. The singer then proceeds to explain how they feel about their significant other and why they love them. The chorus repeats the line, “Hoping to love you forever,” emphasizing the singer’s commitment to the relationship and their desire to love their partner for eternity.

The melody of the song is also beautiful. The piano and strings create a calming and romantic mood, which complements the lyrics perfectly. The song’s tempo is slow, reflecting the emotions of the lyrics and allowing the listener to fully immerse themselves in the emotions of the song.

The song has become popular not only in Korea but also internationally. 3rd Coast gained a global following with 그대를 사랑하기를, and the song has been covered by many other artists. The song has touched the hearts of many people, not only those who are in love, but also those who appreciate the beauty of the lyrics and melody.

In this article, we will dive deeper into the meaning behind 그대를 사랑하기를, its context in the Korean music industry, and the popularity of the song. We will also provide answers to frequently asked questions about the song.

The Meaning Behind 그대를 사랑하기를

그대를 사랑하기를 is a song that expresses the feelings of love and commitment. The lyrics are straightforward and honest, without any unnecessary frills or embellishments. The song is a powerful declaration of love, an expression of devotion to another person, and a promise to love them always.

The singer starts the song by saying, “I hope you know how much I love you.” This line sets the tone for the rest of the song, emphasizing the depth of the singer’s feelings for their significant other. The following lines describe why the singer loves their partner, from their smile to the way they look at the world. Throughout the song, the singer emphasizes the importance of their significant other, highlighting their unique qualities and expressing gratitude for their presence in their life.

The chorus of the song, “Hoping to love you forever,” is a powerful statement of commitment. The singer promises to love their significant other for eternity, expressing their desire to spend their life with them. The melody of the chorus is powerful and emotional, driving home the commitment and passion behind the lyrics.

The song ends on a heartfelt note, with the singer saying, “Even if the world ends, I’ll be by your side.” This line is a declaration of unwavering loyalty and devotion, emphasizing the strength of the singer’s commitment to their significant other.

Context in the Korean Music Industry

The Korean music industry is known for its emotional ballads, and 그대를 사랑하기를 is no exception. The song was released in 2013 by K-pop group, 3rd Coast, and quickly gained popularity among Korean music fans. The song’s beautiful melody and heartfelt lyrics touched the hearts of many people, making it a fan favorite.

3rd Coast is known for their emotional ballads, and 그대를 사랑하기를 is one of their most popular songs. The group’s music often centers around themes of love, heartbreak, and longing, resonating with fans who appreciate their emotional and heartfelt lyrics.

The popularity of 그대를 사랑하기를 extended beyond Korea, with the song gaining a global following. The song has been covered by many other artists, showcasing the beauty and universality of the song’s lyrics and melody.

Popularity of the Song

그대를 사랑하기를 is a popular K-pop ballad that has touched the hearts of many people. The song’s powerful lyrics and emotional melody have made it a fan favorite, both in Korea and around the world.

The song gained popularity quickly after its release in 2013, becoming one of 3rd Coast’s most popular songs. Fans appreciated the song’s beautiful lyrics and melody, which expressed the depth of emotions associated with love. The song’s popularity continued to grow, with 그대를 사랑하기를 becoming a staple song at weddings, Valentine’s Day events, and other romantic occasions.

The song’s popularity extended beyond Korea, with many fans around the world discovering and appreciating the beauty of the song’s lyrics and melody. The song has been covered by many other artists, both in Korea and internationally, demonstrating its impact and influence in the music industry.


1. What does 그대를 사랑하기를 mean in English?

그대를 사랑하기를 means “Hoping to Love You” in English.

2. Who is the original singer of 그대를 사랑하기를?

The song was originally sung by the K-pop group, 3rd Coast.

3. When was 그대를 사랑하기를 released?

The song was released in 2013.

4. What genre is 그대를 사랑하기를?

The song is a ballad.

5. Has 그대를 사랑하기를 been covered by other artists?

Yes, the song has been covered by many other artists, both in Korea and internationally.

6. What is the meaning behind the lyrics of 그대를 사랑하기를?

The song’s lyrics express the depth of love and commitment, with the singer promising to love their significant other forever. The song emphasizes the importance of the singer’s significant other, highlighting their unique qualities and expressing gratitude for their presence in their life.


그대를 사랑하기를 is a beautiful and emotional love song that has touched the hearts of many people. The song’s powerful lyrics and emotional melody have made it a fan favorite, both in Korea and around the world. The song’s popularity extends beyond its original release in 2013, with many other artists covering the song and showcasing its beauty and universality.

The song is a testament to the power of love, expressing the depth of emotions associated with commitment, loyalty, and devotion. The song’s heartfelt lyrics and stunning melody make it a perfect song to listen to when you want to express your love to your significant other.

그대를 사랑하기를 악보

“그대를 사랑하기를” is a classic Korean love song that has touched the hearts of many people for decades. The song, composed by Lee Gwang-jo in 1946, has been covered by numerous famous artists and remains a beloved piece in Korean music.

In this article, we will dive deep into the history and meaning of “그대를 사랑하기를,” explore some of its famous covers, and answer some frequently asked questions about the song.

History and Meaning of “그대를 사랑하기를”

“그대를 사랑하기를” translates to “Loving You” or “To Love You” in English. The song was composed by Lee Gwang-jo, who was also a famous singer of the time. The lyrics were written by Shin Gyeong-jin, who was a poet and lyricist.

The song was first introduced to the public in 1946 at a concert called “For the National Salvation” in support of the Korean independence movement. At the time, Korea was under Japanese rule, and the concert was a way to promote the cultural identity and national pride of Koreans.

The song starts with the following lyrics:

그대를 사랑하기를
다시한번 빌고 말초나무 그늘에
이맘에 담으려 나 쓴 시를
그대도 한번 읽어 봐요

Which roughly translates to:

“I pray once again to love you
I wrote a poem to remember this moment
Would you read it once too?”

The song expresses the deep feelings of love and longing for someone. The lyrics are hopeful and optimistic, expressing the desire to be with the loved one for eternity. The song’s mood is romantic, and the melody is melancholic, contributing to its popularity.

Famous Covers of “그대를 사랑하기를”

Over the years, “그대를 사랑하기를” has been covered by numerous famous artists, ranging from singers, actors, and even influential political figures.

One of the most famous covers of the song is by the late Kim Kwang-seok, who was a legendary singer in the 1980s and 1990s. His version of the song highlighted his powerful vocals and showcased his ability to convey emotions through his voice.

Another cover of the song that gained popularity was by the artist Cho Yong-pil, who was a famous singer in the 1980s. Cho’s version of the song added an upbeat and modern twist to the classic melody, while still retaining its deep meaning.

In 2017, the South Korean President Moon Jae-in sang a rendition of “그대를 사랑하기를” at a memorial service for the late poet Yun Dong-ju, who was a symbol of resistance against the Japanese occupation. Moon’s performance of the song touched many people and was seen as a tribute to the resilience of the Korean people.

The song has also been covered by numerous K-pop artists, such as BTS’s Jungkook, who performed the song on the South Korean reality TV show “King of Mask Singer.” Jungkook’s performance highlighted his impressive vocal range and ability to convey emotions through his voice.


1. Is “그대를 사랑하기를” a popular song in Korea?

Yes, “그대를 사랑하기를” is a beloved classic in Korean music. The song has remained popular over the decades and is often covered by various artists.

2. Who composed “그대를 사랑하기를”?

The song was composed by Lee Gwang-jo, a famous singer of the time, in 1946.

3. What is the meaning of “그대를 사랑하기를”?

“그대를 사랑하기를” translates to “Loving You” or “To Love You” in English. The song expresses the deep feelings of love and longing for someone and hopes to be with the loved one for eternity.

4. Who are some famous artists who have covered “그대를 사랑하기를”?

Kim Kwang-seok, Cho Yong-pil, BTS’s Jungkook, and South Korean President Moon Jae-in are some of the famous artists who have covered the song.


“그대를 사랑하기를” is an iconic Korean love song that has touched the hearts of Koreans and non-Koreans alike. Its timeless melody and lyrics express the universal feeling of love and longing for someone and have made it a popular classic in Korean music. The song has been covered by numerous famous artists over the years, showcasing its versatility and the enduring impact it has had on Korean music culture.

그대를 사랑하기를 mr

그대를 사랑하기를, or “loving you,” is a popular phrase used in Korean culture. The phrase is often used in romantic situations to express one’s love and devotion to their significant other. In this article, we will explore the meaning and usage of 그대를 사랑하기를, as well as answer some frequently asked questions about the phrase.

Meaning of 그대를 사랑하기를

그대를 사랑하기를 translates to “loving you” in English. The phrase is a combination of several Korean words, including 그대 (geudae), which means “you,” 사랑 (sarang), which means “love,” and 하기를 (hagireul), which means “to do.”

When combined, the phrase can be translated as “to do love to you,” which is a unique way of expressing one’s love and affection in Korean.

Usage of 그대를 사랑하기를

The phrase 그대를 사랑하기를 is often used in romantic situations to express one’s love and devotion to their significant other. It can be used in spoken or written form, such as in love letters or romantic texts.

In Korean culture, expressing one’s feelings openly is not always common, especially in public settings. Therefore, a phrase like 그대를 사랑하기를 can be a way for individuals to express their emotions in a more subtle and private manner.

Additionally, the phrase can be used as a declaration of love or to express one’s commitment to a relationship. For example, a person might say, “그대를 사랑하기를 영원히” (geudaeleul saranghagireul yeongwonhi), which translates to “I will love you forever.”

In popular culture, the phrase 그대를 사랑하기를 has been featured in various Korean dramas, movies, and songs. For example, the popular Korean drama “Goblin” features a song titled “Round and Round” that includes the lyrics “그대를 사랑하기를” in the chorus.


Q: Is 그대를 사랑하기를 a common phrase in Korean culture?

A: Yes, the phrase is commonly used in Korean culture, especially in romantic contexts.

Q: Can this phrase be used for expressing love towards family or friends?

A: While the phrase is primarily used in romantic situations, it can be adapted to express love and affection towards family and friends. One might say, “우리 가족들 그대들을 사랑하기를” (uri gajokdeul geudaedeureul saranghagireul), which translates to “Our family loves you all.”

Q: Are there any other ways to express love in Korean?

A: Yes, there are several ways to express love in Korean, including saying “사랑해” (saranghae), which means “I love you,” or “나의 사랑” (naui sarang), which means “my love.”

Q: Is it appropriate to use 그대를 사랑하기를 in formal settings?

A: No, the phrase is not appropriate for formal or professional settings. It is typically used in informal, personal situations.

Q: Are there any alternatives to 그대를 사랑하기를 in Korean?

A: Yes, there are several other ways to express love in Korean, including “널 사랑해” (neol saranghae) which translates to “I love you” and “나와 함께 있으면 행복해” (nawa hamkke isseumyeon haengbokhae), which means “I am happy when I am with you.”

In conclusion, 그대를 사랑하기를 is a popular phrase used in Korean culture to express love and devotion to a significant other. While primarily used in romantic contexts, the phrase can be adapted to express love towards family and friends. It is a unique way of expressing one’s emotions and is commonly used in Korean dramas, movies, and songs.

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히즈윌 6집 ‘그대를 사랑하기를’ (가사)

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영화 '그대를 사랑합니다'를 토대로 사회복지사 입장에서 분석하기 레포트
영화 ‘그대를 사랑합니다’를 토대로 사회복지사 입장에서 분석하기 레포트

Article link: 그대를 사랑하기를 pdf.

주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 그대를 사랑하기를 pdf.


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